
2000 Aldersgate Road


Five Self-Care Tips to Try

Five Self-Care Tips to Try

Did you know that September is Self-Care Awareness Month? Sometimes keeping a regular self-care routine can be like exercising or forming a new habit…it takes practice and repetition to keep it consistent.

For some, self-care can feel uncomfortable. Oftentimes, we are so busy with our everyday to-do list and taking care of others, that we forget how to take care of ourselves. This can be especially true for parents with children who have special needs or health conditions that require extra time and care.

Here are a five self-care tips to try this month:

  1. Acknowledge that self-care is not selfish. It can be hard to grasp this, but it is important to understand that to take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves.
  2. Be open to giving it a try. Again – It can feel a little awkward at first, or even bubble up some feelings of guilt. “Why am I spending time on myself instead of doing other tasks that need to be done?” Try to remind yourself of tip #1 and be open to the positive results that might happen. As a result of taking care of yourself, you might find that you feel more refreshed and energized.
  3. Start small. It might be easier to start with some little ways you can do acts of self-care. Maybe it’s taking a bubble bath, reading a chapter of a book, watching your favorite show after the kids go to bed, taking a walk, listening to music or taking a moment of silence with deep breaths.
  4. Or go big! Loving this idea of self-care? Do you have a family member or friend who can watch the kids for an hour, half day, a full day….or a weekend? Or maybe you can sign up your child for one of Camp Aldersgate’s Weekend Camps to experience a bit of respite. Whatever the options might be, if you have the opportunity for a bigger act of self-care over an extended period of time, go for it!
  5. It’s okay to say ‘no.’ Are your nights and weekends over committed? If the commitments are not necessary and are not filling your cup, try saying no to that event, birthday party or gathering. It is OK to say no.

Whether you are a parent or not, these self-care tips can be helpful for anybody! Take time to invest in yourself during self-care awareness month and all year long.

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