
2000 Aldersgate Road


8 ways to give back

8 Ways To Give Your Time, Talent and Treasure

Written by Bobbi McDaniel, Director of Development

As the end of 2023 is upon us, like so many, my thoughts go to how to give back and express the gratitude I have for the blessings in my life.

Pausing for a moment, I would encourage you to first search out the causes and the purposes that speak to your heart and feed your soul. Then, think about your “time, talent and treasure”.

Your time and talent are a precious commodity: Never minimize the value of them, especially this time of year. There are many non-profits serving those among us that need it the most. Try looking for opportunities to give back directly, such as serving a meal or helping to make a special moment come alive for a child. Assess your talents and find the occasions to weave those into volunteer engagement.

Sharing your treasures is also vital to supporting non-profits and their unique programs and services. The process of completing a donation is easier now than ever before with links and QR Codes. And let us not forget the tried and true, writing a check.

make a donation online

Here are 8 ways to give back this holiday season:

  1. Annual Giving. Keep in mind that every gift makes a difference. Giving annually to a non-profit provides both restricted and unrestricted funds that allow a non-profit to provide programs and services.
  2. Monthly Giving. You can maximize your gift by setting it up to automatically renew each month. Monthly gifts help ensure long-term success by incorporating a steady stream of income for a non-profit.
  3. In Memory/In Honor. Designating your gift in memory or in honor of someone allows you the opportunity to give a special gift in memory or in honor of someone who has made an impact on you or in the community.
  4. Wish Lists. Most non-profits now have wish lists on sites like Amazon. These wish lists give a donor the opportunity to choose items they would like to purchase. The “click and send” opportunity can be easy and rewarding.  Although in some cases, depending on the host site, the non-profit may not receive full donor information to generate a tax receipt. You may need to follow up with the non-profit to provide your information.
  5. Required Minimum Distributions (RMD). Those over the age of 73 with an IRA have an RMD that must be met each year. If the account holder does not need the funds, they can designate an approved non-profit and make a qualified charitable distribution.
  6. Sign Up to Give. Many retailers now offer giving back programs through loyalty cards. The Kroger Plus Card is a great example. The loyalty member can link their card to a non-profit organization to earn special Kroger Community Rewards. The non-profit receives a check or automatic draft of the collective rewards monthly or quarterly depending on the retailer.
  7. Company Matches. Many companies now provide the opportunity to direct charitable gifts based on employee giving. Procedures typically vary from company to company; ask about matching gifts through your human resource department or you can utilize our website to check through Double the Donation.
  8. Planned Giving. Planned giving is done through individual estate planning and/or financial planning.  It provides the opportunity to continue giving based on your values through bequests, endowments, and trusts.

No matter how you give through your time, talent, or treasure… it is an important weave to the fabric of our society. Your support helps to stabilize and expand programming. There are also beneficial tax deductions to making a monetary donation. And above all, giving will generate a joyful level of satisfaction knowing you are making a positive difference in the community around you!


campers say thank you

When you make a tax-deductible donation to Camp Aldersgate, you are investing in the care and quality of life of individuals with special and medical needs. We strive to be a place that continues to celebrate life-changing experiences for our campers and families. We are extremely thankful for your support and look forward to the year to come as we strive to inspire a barrier-free future!

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